
This tool called pack-saddle consisted of a “cannavazza” (heavy cloth) that was sewn as a sack full of straw. It was half-divided with a seam on which was put another piece of cloth called “alona”. At this point, i “vazzani” were put on it, that is this sack was hemmed using some leather and some twine. A piece of arch-shaped wood of “muddriu” (a tree) was put on the rim and it was covered with the leather.

Some holes were made “nta coperta d’alona” and “u furriu da vardetra” passed through it from the posterior and inferior part up to the anterior centre and then it came down from the other side clasping the “curera” that consisted of two stripes of leather called “sutta curera” (that positioned under the mule’s tail) and “supra curera” (that positioned on the upper part). On the upper part there were two glasps of rope that crossed the pack-saddle and terminated in the anterior part with a rope for each side that measured 3m approximately)
called grisaille, that served “ppi mmurdiri” to tie the sacks.