U sciuquaturi is rectangular in shape it is used to dry manna.
The half mound has a cylindrical shape; in the upper part
Container for bread, shaped like a barrel, which is provided with an opening called “a vucca” (mouth) and a circular base also called “u funni” (bottom), while the central part is called “a panza” (belly), the cover, “a cufunedda” is also made of olive or willow branches. The dimensions vary.
A wood basin that was used in rural communities to wash clothes and children.
The mannaruolo is a special bill-hook-shaped knife. It is suitable for cutting ash because it allows one hand to control the point of incision and the other to direct the groove. The Rasula is a tool shaped like a small shovel that is used to scrape the manna that has dripped and solidified on the […]
Manna is primarily a natural sweetener and a mild laxative without any contraindications. It is particularly suitable in early childhood, the very old and debilitated people and people recovering from a disease; it is generally administered in milk. It regulates and refreshes the intestine, cleanses the digestive system from toxins and eliminates heaviness due to […]
DESCRIPTION: Manna is recognized as a Slow Food Presidium and for this reason a production protocol [3] has been drafted with ash growers to guarantee quality and origin. Manna is the sap extracted from the bark duly cut. The number of growers is increasingly decreasing; almost only elderly people know how to cultivate and make […]
DESCRIPTION: There are about 70 species of ash recognized throughout the world, but only three are present in Italian flora: Fraxinus excelsior L. – Fraxinus ornus L. – Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl, all of which can potentially produce manna. The most common variety in the Castelbuono and Pollina areas is the “verdello”, for its excellent productivity, […]
DESCRIPTION: Manna is a product made from some species of trees of the Fraxinus (ash) genus, particularly the Fraxinus ornus (manna ash). The cultivation of the manna ash presumably dates back to the period of Islamic rule (IX to XI century AD); the oldest document that mentions manna dates back to 1080 in a diploma […]