
Museo Naturalistico “F. Minà-Palumbo” di Castelbuono

Museo Naturalistico “F. Minà-Palumbo” di Castelbuono
Museo Naturalistico “F. Minà-Palumbo” di Castelbuono

Profile Description

The Museum preserves the collections created by the Naturalist F. Mina Palumbo in the course of his studies carried out consistently inside the Madonie between 1837 and 1899 These collections include exhibits from every part of the Madonie and relating to flora, fauna, geology, prehistory, history, agriculture, industry, and therefore offer a complete picture of the natural history and of the human activity in the area starting from the beginning until the end of the 19th Century. From the scientific point of view they had a great importance in the past. In fact, for all the students who performed some researches on the territory of the Madonie, the collections of Mina Palumbo were a basic point of reference.

This level of importance isn’t changed today as evidence of the role played by Mina Palumbo in the naturalistic exploration of the Madonie, which in his time were still largely unknown; In addition, the museum is a powerful tool for popularizing science and the environmental education, very useful for understanding the issues related to the Parco delle Madonie.

The Museum preserves the collections created by the Naturalist F. Mina ‘Palumbo offering a complete picture of the natural history and the human activity in the area starting from the beginning until the end of the nineteenth secolo. From a chronological point of view it is impossible to establish a date of birth of the museum, as it originated from a gradual acquisition of the exhibits. However it can coincide with the return of Mina’ Palumbo from Naples to Castelbuono in 1837, after finishing his studies.

The museum’s collections are transferred from the Castle to the “Prison” in 1989, the former Court of the Ventimiglia family. The event is accompanied by the opening of a permanent exhibition of all the collections. Birth of the Museum:1991.

The former prison becomes unusable and insufficient to accommodate the collections, and so they are moved to the premises of the Abbey in 1995.

Excellence of the museum:


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Range of Services

  • Paying Ticket € 2.00
  • Reduced Ticket € 1.00
  • Free Ticket
Address Details:
Phone: +39 0921 677174
Fax: +39 0921 677174
E-mail: send mail
Website: visit site
Opening Hours:
from Monday to Sunday09:00 - 13:00
from Monday to Sunday15:00 - 19:00
Closing daynone

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